Mindsets That Are Undermining Your Success …

Your mindset is something that can control not just your success, but also control how well you do your job. If you’ve been in a negative mindset or a mindset that isn’t favorable to moving up, it’s time to change your mind. Are you aware of what thoughts you are putting into your head? Are you aware of how your mind works? See below and see if you relate to some of the mindsets that will ruin not just your success but also your career if you let it.

1. There will always be a place for me here

The first mindset is one that millennial’s have. They constantly think that no matter what, a place will be there as long as they do good work. This is very limiting, and truthfully, it is a mindset that will disturb your success overall. You need to be prepared for your next career move constantly, never depend on your current job and your skillset. Continually evolve!

2. My boss is responsible for my career

There are no more days of large training classes. Instead, they are replaced with training plans that are personalized and individualized. That means that for you to establish career goals, you need to figure out how to navigate your career. Sure, you should have mentors, but you are in control of your job.

3. Social media is selfish

Now, I am not suggesting that you being on social media is selfish, what I am suggesting is that many people believe that having a Facebook account or an Instagram account makes you selfish. That is not the case; social media is the only way that you can really, truly make your brand. Having a brand and building your brand is great for your career.

Now that you know some of the old mindsets, which one do you have? Which one have you had? Let’s change our minds now!