You’re Being Controlled and Don’t Even Know it …

In business, it can be easy to become controlled by manipulative people. They have their tactics, and they use them to their fullest extent. If you are always being told to do things that you don’t want to, if you feel resentment at the way that your co-workers talk to you, there is a way to combat it. Knowing their tactics is one great way for you to combat against them and to protect yourself.

1. Insult via humor

Here is one tactic that a lot of manipulators use: their humor. Remember, there is always a lot of truth in humor, and if a joke offends you, it is probably offensive. The way you should fight against this tactic is that you should call them out on it. If the joke is offensive, make sure that they know that you take offense to it.

2. Testing your limits

When it comes to manipulators, they will push boundaries; they will push you, they will try to see how far you are willing to stretch, how far you are willing to be pushed. You can get around this by being firm, by knowing what is true and by sticking to your guns. Don’t give in and you’ll be able to fight through this.

3. Controlling is normal for them

Manipulators have a way of managing people and the situations that they are in. They feel compelled to control every single situation and every single action. They will play with your emotions, and they have a way of making you think that you are going crazy. The way to battle this is to ensure that you stay firm, that you stay grounded and that you hold true to your opinion and know that you aren’t crazy.

Now that you know some of the best ways to tackle controlling people, how have you handled it in the past? Share!