Things You Need to Do As Soon As You Put in Your Two Weeks’ Notice …

There is going to be a time in your life that you need to put in your two weeks notice. It can be an awkward time. However, it might be worth it for both you and your employer. When putting in your two weeks notice, there are steps that you need to follow to ensure that you not only leave on a great note but that you won’t burn bridges.

1. Socialize it up

When you give your two weeks notice, that means that you will regret the time that you don’t spend socializing with the people in the office. Making those face-to-face connections before you leave is going to be huge. Who knows where you may end up in a few years, they could end up as your boss, or you could end up working for them. Keep that in mind!

2. Hoard everything

When you quit a job, you probably will want to delete everything possible. However, I’m going to advise you to do the opposite. You never know what you might need or when you might need it. Hoard all of your emails, all of the contact lists, hoard everything, save everything. It will help you in the future, and you might be surprised what hoarding can do for you in your next job.

3. Leave on a good note

Finally, try to make sure that you leave on a good note. You never want to leave a job burning bridges and causing drama. First, ask yourself why you are going. Was it the co-workers? Was it your leader? Pinpoint exactly why you are leaving and express that to HR. They will appreciate you, and it will make it easier!

Now that you know some of the surefire ways to quit a job, what are some other tips? Share with us!