The 10 Commandments of Staying Calm

Everyone reacts differently under pressure. Some people suck at it, period. Others can handle a crisis that involves other people, but they fall to pieces during high-pressure situations in their lives. Then there are the smart folks—the zen individuals who know how to stay calm no matter what’s happening around them. They’re always chill. You can keep your chill, too, as long as you’re willing to follow a few commandments.

1. Thou shalt appreciate the good things

What do you have in your life? What are all the positive aspects and blessings, the things that make you enjoy the life you’re living? Appreciate those things every day and acknowledge how lucky you are. It’s easy to stay calm when you recognize what’s important to you because as long as you don’t lose the things that matter, you’re golden.

2. Thou shalt not ask “What if?”

Conjecture is stressful. Stop pondering the unknown. Quit focusing on hypothetical situations. That causes undue stress and anxiety.

3. Thou shalt stay positive

Why expect the worst? Don’t call it realism. It’s pessimism, and it breeds negativity. Keep your thoughts positive even during tough situations. You can maintain a realistic outlook without losing your positivity.

4. Thou shalt disconnect

Turn off your phone, step away from the computer, and switch off the TV. Get in touch with yourself and the things you love occasionally. Forget about FOMO and stop worrying about what’s going on in the wider world for an hour or two.

5. Thou shalt not be a caffeine glutton

Too much caffeine triggers your adrenaline—over and over and over. Sip on Starbucks or energy drinks all day, and you’re constantly in fight-or-flight mode, which is stressful to your body and your mind. Give yourself a caffeine limit. Once you hit your daily maximum, switch over to decaf or tea.

6. Thou shalt get enough sleep

It’s not always practical or possible to pull in eight hours of restful sleep, but get as close as you can. Don’t stay up all night fixated on problems, then try to go about your day on a few hours of sleep.

7. Thou shalt not engage in negative self-talk

Why do you want to put yourself down? Listen, sometimes the inner voice is a jerk. Stop applying absolutes to yourself. As soon as you start thinking about how you never do anything right or you always mess up a particular task, shut it down.

8. Thou shalt change your perspective

A warped view of yourself, your abilities, and your intelligence increases your stress. How can you feel calm if you’re always berating yourself? Work to change your perspective into a healthier, more realistic picture of yourself.

9. Thou shalt breathe

Seriously, just take a few moments each day to breathe. Be conscious of each inhale and exhale. You don’t have to meditate or anything, although that certainly helps.

10. Thou shalt accept support

You’re not weak or a failure because you receive support from your circle of loved ones. That makes you stronger and smarter. It takes a lot to accept help, but the payoff is worthwhile.

Follow these commandments and you, too, will become stress-free—and smart. What do you do to stay calm in stressful or high-pressure situations?